2009 Quilts

Mars Phases, detail

The circles on this quilt are made from rust-dyed fabrics that I experimented with.  To do this, you first soak fabric in a solution of white vinegar and water, then wrap it around any rusty item that you have on hand.  By scrunching and folding the fabric, you can create interesting "organic" shapes.  Next, wrap the entire wrapped object tighly in plastic wrap or tightly cover with plastic bags.  Set aside for a few days.  In a while, you will be able to see the rust color permeating the fabric.  Let set for several days up to a week.  When ready, unwrap the fabric and soak in a solution of saline water and vinegar to remove any residual rust, when can weaken and ruin the fabric eventually if not "neutralized." 

Pattern:  Original design.  24" X 26"